
Welcome to the A-Mark Foundation.
We fund facts.

Unbiased Information

Our mission, in part, is to present information without bias and without taking a position on any issue. We welcome readers to contact us to challenge any appearance of bias anywhere on our website; please be specific about the content and/or page on which the information is found so that we can undertake a review.


Sourced Information

All data presented on this website is sourced so that the information can be checked and readers can evaluate the credibility of each source for themselves.



Reports that contain information that may have become outdated since the last update will have a disclaimer at the top of the page alerting the reader to this possibility.


Dated Information

Reports will show the date of the most recent update and the date of publication when applicable.



When we find or are notified about errors on our website, we will normally work to correct them within four business days.